
Showing posts from June, 2017

Olivia is Two

I cannot believe how fast Olivia is growing up. However, I also feel she has been a part of my life forever because I can hardly recall life before she joined us. She is getting such a personality! She loves talking. Her words are making more and more sense as she names the things she sees. It is wonderful because good communication is key to avoiding emotional breakdowns around here. I still love to listen to her innocent singing and babbling though and let it remind me that she isn't all grown up just yet. She is very thoughtful, helpful and understanding. She gets Henry's burp cloth when he barfs, brings everyone's shoes to their owner when it is time to go somewhere, and knows just what you mean when you ask her to bring something to you. She also is a two-year-old though and reminds me when she looks me straight in the eyes to do something she knows is wrong, she wants to eat chocolate instead of dinner, and hates to go to bed for fear of missing out. She loves re

Getting to Know You

I live in Maryland with my sweetheart and husband, Dave, and two kids, Olivia (2yrs) and Henry (3 mos). A year and a half ago we moved away from Utah for Dave’s first job. I am a wife, stay-at-home mom, child of God, friend, daughter, sister, piano teacher, music class teacher, LipSense distributor, crafter, traveler, Celiac, organizer, decorator, video maker, online-scrapbooker, and now, a blogger. I love all of my roles, though all can be hard at times. I want to share stories from my life that I hope can influence others for good. Comment below to tell me how you define yourself!